The Russian Geographical Society announces the start of the international competition "Write your question for the Geographical Dictation - 2023". Anyone regardless of age, place of residence and citizenship can join the formation of a task pool for one of the largest educational campaigns of the Russian Geographical Society.
In 2023 the international educational campaign of the Russian Geographical Society Geographical Dictation will be held for the ninth time. A few years ago, we began to prepare it with the help of people who are passionate about geography, not only professional scientists. Since then, every year more than half of the tasks are created by participants in our competitions.
Key requirements for questions
Subject. Questions should contribute to the development of interest in geography and the popularization of geographical knowledge. They should be devoted to general geography and Russia. Foreign territories and names of scientists can only appear in questions in connection with Russia.
Originality. The competition accepts questions and facts that do not repeat the content of the tasks of the Geographical Dictation of previous years. You can see all the variants for past seasons of the Geographical Dictation here (and test your knowledge as well).
Difficulty level. Questions should not be too simple, but should be as clear as possible and concern only those geographical concepts, terms, objects and phenomena that one need to know as a result of mastering the school curriculum in geography. The audience of the Geographical Dictation is extremely wide - these are schoolchildren and students, working people and the older generation. For the most part, they do not have a professional geographical education and do not have special knowledge, but they are interested in geography, travel, tourism and expeditions.
Question types. The competition accepts questions of an exclusively closed type, with multiple answers. Important: there can only be one correct answer per question. Requirements for questions and examples of their presentation are fixed in Appendix No. 1 to the Regulations on the competition.
Amount of submitted questions. There is a strict limit here - one person can submit no more than three questions to the international competition.
How do we choose the best questions? Every question submitted to the competition will be examined by professional geographers and scientists representing related sciences (historians, biologists, art critics, etc.). The experts of the Commission will determine the best questions, which will be included in the Geographical Dictation - 2023 task pool.
The list of finalists will appear on the website of the Russian Geographical Society no later than May 31, 2023, the list of winners will be published no later than June 15, 2023.
Detailed information about the competition may be found in the Regulations (in Russian).
Notice: today the competition form is made in Russian, still questions from foreign authors are very welcome and the organizers are ready to help you fill the form in - for assistance please contact us via e-mail dictantrgo.ru.
The international competition "Write your question for the Geographical Dictation - 2023" will last until May 17, 2023, inclusive. Almost in parallel with it, from February 20 to April 9, the Russian Geographical Society organizes a series of short thematic competitions of the same name, timed to coincide with the Year of the Teacher and Mentor celebrated in Russia.
It is possible to take part in both a series of thematic blitz contests and the international competition, however, it is not allowed to send the same question to the international competition and a series of short thematic competitions.
Topics and schedule of short thematic competitions:
1. A PERSON AND GEOGRAPHY (February 20–26, 2023);
2. ECOLOGY AND BIOGEOGRAPHY (February 27 – March 5, 2023);
4. ECONOMICS AND GEOGRAPHY (March 13–19, 2023);
5. ETHNOGRAPHY AND ART HISTORY (March 20–26, 2023);
6. GEOLOGY AND CHEMISTRY (March 27 – April 2, 2023);
7. GEOPHYSICS AND CLIMATE (April 3–9, 2023).